We teamed up with a relocation company that is keen to rise up the ranks and stay on top of the moving industry, an industry that is growing exponentially thanks to the rapid global expansion of businesses and the growth of a dynamic work environment. It’s one of the few industries that is fortunate to continue their operations despite the pandemic as companies are constantly looking for safe ways to bring their employees home. 

The company has an amazing brand and they have excellent reviews under their belt, which means they take their services seriously. SEO-wise, they have a clear advantage since their main keyword is found in their domain name. Unfortunately, they are not ranking well for their intended keywords and would require more backlinks to beat their competition. And that’s our cue to take this project and help them reach their goals.

We made a few on-page suggestions including optimizing their service pages and gave them content ideas to rank for keywords they want to rank for. But the bulk of the work was focused on building links. 

So, how did we achieve a 8,000%+ increase in organic traffic for over 2 years?

Relocation Company organic traffic

1. Checked Competitor’s Backlink Profile

We made a list of their competitors and took a peak at their backlink profiles. We identified how they are generating their backlinks and the type of content they’re building links to. 

Ahref’s link intersect tool made this a quick process for us, to identify potential prospects we can target in our link building campaign and reverse-engineer what worked for them. 


2. Identified Key Pages to Build Links To

First, we identified pages and keywords that need a bit of push up the Google rankings and focused our efforts and building links on those pages. For this particular campaign, we focused mainly on building links on the homepage and service pages that aren’t ranking yet.


3. Created a Prospect List

For initial prospecting, we made a list of competitors’ backlinks and handpicked niche-related opportunities with minimum DR 30 and minimum 1,000 Organic Traffic. Aside from these metrics, we ensured that the sites have healthy backlink profiles and rank for relevant keywords. 

Pro Tip: Include super related opportunities, in this case business, career and HR sites, with metrics below the minimum requirements to your list of prospects. These sites would bring more targeted traffic than those sites that aren’t that related or too general. 


4. Used Guest Posting and Niche Edits as Main Strategies

We replicated competitors’ dominant strategies, which are guest posting and link insertion. We brainstormed topics and pitched them together with brief descriptions and notable stats to make the topics more appealing and would look more valuable to our potential prospects. We were able to get free links and we owe it to the trust we’ve built with bloggers and site owners. We also got paid links that were carefully done by ensuring that the post is not tagged as a sponsored post or guest post and the site isn’t selling links eagerly.


So far, we were able to increase their Organic Traffic from 259 to 22,262 or an 8000%+ increase in Organic Traffic in a span of over 2 years. 

Our success in driving tons of targeted traffic and pushing their keywords up the rank is deeply rooted in building links that matter, which we continue to deliver. 

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