We’re working with an intellectual property law firm based outside the United States for 3 years and counting. The main goal is to help increase their organic traffic through white hat link building and drive targeted traffic.

We managed to build links in 300+ domains and helped increase their traffic by 511%.

Intellectual property law firm organic traffic

Here’s how we did it:

1. Identify Key Competitors 

To build quality links for their intellectual property law firm, it’s essential to analyze your competitors’ backlink profiles. This process helps identify the websites that link to them and the types of content that attract links.

We used Ahref’s link intersect tool to analyze the backlinks to determine the sources and types of sites linking to their competitors. We trimmed down our search to websites that link to your competitors but not to your website. 

2. Analyze Competitor Backlinks

By evaluating the relevance and authority of these sites, we were able to determine if they are worth targeting for link building. We looked for patterns in the types of websites that are linking to their competitors. For example, are they legal directories, news sites, or industry associations?

3. Evaluate the Quality of Links

We evaluated the quality of the links that are pointing to their competitors’ websites. We took into consideration the types of content that attract links in the intellectual property law industry including their competitors’ content marketing strategies and identified their top-performing pages. Our aim was to find out what makes their content unique and shareable and find  links from reputable and authoritative websites in the legal industry

4. Develop a link-building strategy

We developed a link-building strategy that focuses on acquiring high-quality backlinks from reputable websites in the legal industry. This involved creating high-quality content that is likely to attract links, building relationships with industry influencers, or submitting your website to legal directories. 

5. Used Guest Posting, Link Insertions, and Scholarships as Main Strategies

Our core strategies helped our client win targetted and high-quality backlinks, gain more visibility and attract potential clients to their website.


We were able to increase their organic traffic from 1,742 to 10,648 or a 511% increase in 3+ years of law firm link building.

Although the legal industry is well-known for its competitiveness, it presents excellent opportunities for link building. By utilizing our expertise, we can provide value to relevant websites, and this approach has been instrumental in the success of our project. We have been able to secure links from legal, startup, and entrepreneurial sites that welcome legal insights.


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